Introducing Conquering Frontiers: The Quest for Power

For those who have longed to explore the vastness of space, encounter alien worlds, and navigate the political and economic intricacies of a galactic empire, there’s a new board game on the horizon that’s bound to pique your interest: Conquering Frontiers.

Developed by a passionate designer who blended classical elements of resource management, strategy, and epic space opera narratives, this game invites players to command powerful space corporations striving for dominance in a newly charted region of the galaxy.

The Galactic Setting

The game’s backstory paints a vivid picture: an uncharted quadrant of the galaxy, called the Valeria Expanse, has been discovered. Its vast riches and unclaimed planets make it an irresistible target for ambitious corporations. The most notable among these are Doom, headed by the enigmatic Ryku Raeder; Axe, under the leadership of Jack Stone; Trident, guided by the brilliant Ava Greentree; and Hammer, a corporation uniquely managed by Echo Sage, an advanced robot with unprecedented strategic capabilities.

Game Mechanics and the Economy

At its heart, Conquering Frontiers is an economic strategy game. The core resources players must manage are Credits and Kren, while also keeping an eye on the invaluable Trinium fuel.

  • Credits are the general currency used to invest in infrastructure. They enable players to erect buildings on planets or asteroid fields they’ve explored. Key structures include:
    • Colonies, which generate additional Credits.
    • Industries, producers of the precious Kren metal.
    • Tech buildings, where innovative research happens, allowing advancements that can bolster an empire’s economy or fleets.
    • Space yards, ship-building hubs where fleets are birthed and readied for exploration or battle.
  • Kren, a rare metal, is central for fleet construction. Using Kren, players can produce a variety of ships, each with its own strategic importance:
    • Destroyers, swift and deadly.
    • Dreadnoughts, the mighty titans of space.
    • Carriers, essential for transporting smaller fighter ships.
    • Fighters, versatile and nimble.
    • Weaponstations, floating fortresses that guard strategic points.

The game board consists of 52 hexes, representing unexplored territories. Exploration is paramount, with each hex potentially revealing planets ripe for colonization, asteroid fields teeming with resources, or empty space. Exploration thus adds an element of unpredictability and excitement to the game.

Gameplay Dynamics

A key component of Conquering Frontiers is the exploration and consequent colonization. Once a player’s fleet enters an unexplored hex, they reveal its content, deciding then how to proceed based on the discovery. This dynamic allows for an engaging blend of strategy and adaptability.

Each turn, players strategize on resource allocation: Do you prioritize colonization to boost your Credit income? Perhaps you rush ship production to stake a claim on as many territories as possible. Or, maybe, you’ll dive deep into technological advancements, seeking an edge over your competitors.

Another unique feature is the turn sequence. Players place a cube representing their corporation into a bag. These cubes are drawn one by one to determine the order of play for that turn, introducing an element of unpredictability. This ensures that no two games are alike, as players must adapt their strategies on the fly based on turn order.

The Battles

Of course, with corporations vying for the same resources, conflicts are inevitable. When fleets from different corporations converge in the same hex, a fierce battle ensues


Here’s how it works;

  • Setup: Position all participating ships alongside the board, categorizing them by their class.
  • Rolling: The attacking player rolls first, using custom dice tailored for each ship class: Fighters and Carriers use white dice (weak damage), Destroyers employ green dice (medium damage), and Dreadnoughts and Weaponstations roll with the blue dice (high damage). Each ship type rolls one dice, with the exception of Weaponstations, which roll three.
  • Damage Assessment: Hits cause immediate damage to ships, depending on the damage symbols displayed. Fighters can endure one hit point, Carriers and Destroyers two, Dreadnoughts four, and Weaponstations a whopping ten. Ships that accumulate damage equal to their hit points are obliterated.
  • Counter-Attack: The defending player then rolls for their ships, even if some were decimated during the attacker’s turn. This simulates simultaneous combat, where all parties strike almost concurrently.
  • The battle rages on, oscillating between the attacker and defender, until one side’s entire fleet is annihilated.

Closing Thoughts

Conquering Frontiers presents an intricate dance of resource management, exploration, and strategy, all set against a backdrop of a vast uncharted galaxy. It promises deep gameplay mechanics, offering countless hours of engagement, where every decision has weight and consequence.

As players weave their path to dominance, alliances may form, rivalries might intensify, and the Valeria Expanse will become a battleground for economic, technological, and military supremacy.

Join us on this stellar journey. Assemble your team, strategize your moves, and venture forth into the Conquering Frontiers.